How to make effective Facebook Ads

Facebook advertising is play a big role in digital marketing. When we  do digital marketing by Facebook ads then we have to spend money . Some times we don't get result. So here I am telling you few points which will help you create a effective  Facebook Ads.

  • Set your strategy :- It's important  that before you run your first Facebook Ads that you are clear about what it is you are looking to accomplish.
  • Engaging Ad Copy:-  Keep it short, and to the point , keep it relevant based on the target audience. Don't use buzz words, Always use a call to action.
  • Interesting Photo:- Faces work best and use close-ups  Avoid logos, keep it it interesting and remember that your photo will be small so pack it with power!
  • Start Solow:- There is no reason to waste your budget quickly on ads that do not work. I like to start out a very low level, running at a few amount.
  • Know when to hit "Stop":-  Eventually, people will get tired of even seeing the most effective Ad. If they have not responded to it after seeing it X times. They won't respond of you show it one more time, So monitor results and know when to stop a campaign.


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